4 Smart Ways to Boost Your Good Cholesterol Levels
By Paul Heitman
Experts say that an increased level of the good cholesterol can help reduce your risk of having heart disease, heart attacks and stroke. It is believed that HDL, or known as the good cholesterol, helps in removing plaque and LDL deposits inside the bloodstream and arterial walls for excretion. Hence, this type of lipid also helps in maintaining the artery's elasticity and at the same time aids in promoting sufficient blood flow to the heart and body.
If lowering the bad cholesterol may sound a bit extreme and tedious on your part, why not aim to increase the good cholesterol instead? Below are some smart tips and ways on how you can raise HDL cholesterol naturally.
Daily exercise
Exercise is among the best regimen there is in order to achieve optimum health and wellness. Engaging yourself with any range of physical activity brings a lot of health benefits. Among the advantages you'll get out from doing daily exercise are as follows:
- It can raise your HDL levels and lowers your LDL count
- Increases your energy and stamina
- It keeps your muscles toned and fit
- It reduces your risk of heart disease and other illnesses
- It keeps you feel young and slows down aging process
Smoking cessation
Nicotine found on tobaccos and cigarettes can cause arteries to constrict which is contributing factor to angina and cardiac arrest. If you smoke, start to quit as early as now. It can help you increase your good cholesterol to as high as 10 percent.
Trim down excess fat
Being overweight or going beyond your ideal body weight puts you more at risk with heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Losing weight for as much as 6 pounds increases your HDL count by 1mg/dL. Start trimming down your weight and find your way to a happy heart and healthier body.
Opt for healthier fats
Chips, cookies, pastries, cakes, fried foods, prepared and fast food meals are very much tempting and delicious! But the common denominator among these types of foods is that they are rich in saturated fat which also contains high amounts of the bad cholesterol. If you want to boost your HDL cholesterol, you need to abstain from eating these stuffs.
Incorporate omega-3 fatty acids on your diet and add fish, fresh fruits and veggies, nuts and grains to your weekly meal plan. You'll soon see a significant drop on your total lipid count after a month of following a heart healthy diet course.
Paul loves to share information, tips and methods to help in raising HDL cholesterol. To know more on how to decrease cholesterol naturally and some cholesterol lowering diets, visit us online and sign up for your FREE mini-course to get access on the newest trends and expert advices on how to have a healthy heart.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Heitman
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